    S.N. Date Subjects Documents(PDF)
    1 25/02/2016 Collection of samples (Tissue, Blood & Faeces) of Rhinoceros in captivity for implementation of Rhino DNA Indexing System (RhoDIS) in Rhino bearing areas PDF
    2 24/12/2014 Clarification about policy circular on import of hunting trophies of exotic species  PDF
    3 24/12/2014 Advisory in the context of Human-Wildlife Conflict PDF
    4 09/10/2014 Policy dicision regarding payment of fees to CITES Scientific authorities for analysis of the samples  PDF
    5  07/10/2014 Custody of live wildlife species seized/detained at exit points. PDF 
    6 25/08/2013 Policy on prohibition of "finning" of Shark fins in the sea PDF